Seguimiento de los
micromamíferos comunes
de España
CA | ES | EN


What does the fieldwork entail?

The project is based on the establishment of monitoring plots that are sampled twice a year: in spring and autumn. The plot can be either a square of about 75 m on the side, where a “grid” of 36 traps (6x6) is installed, or a rectangle of 135x45 m (9x4 traps). In both cases, the separation between traps is about 15 m.

Traps can be of two types: one model is made up of two parts (hallway and chamber) and the other have a single body and are foldable. We use two commercial brands of the former: Longworth and Heslinga; of the second, the Sherman. They are live capture traps and are filled with bait and some water-repellent cotton, so that the trapped individuals can feel more protected inside. Sometimes, traps are triggered by mistake or fail to activate when a small mammal enters, thus it is recommended to check that they are working properly before setting them.

Each sampling campaign consists of four days. On the first day, only the setting of the plot is done, preferably in the middle of the afternoon. In the Mediterranean zone, three checks are carried out during the next three days, early in the morning. In the Pyrenean plots, apart from these three revisions, two nocturnal ones are added. Nevertheless, it is recommended the application of five checks at all stations where it is practical for the volunteer to carry them out, regardless of the geographical area in which they are located. The captured individuals are weighed, identified, sexed, marked and released in the same place.

The number of catches can vary greatly depending on the season of the year, the habitat, the production of fruits, etc. The average for the project is between 10 and 15 different individuals captured per plot, throughout a campaign. The information collected is not only used to calculate abundance indices and population trends, but also allows studying other biological parameters, such as the sex ratio or the percentage of individuals that are reproducing. In addition, when the number of captures and the percentage of recaptures are high, statistical formulas can be applied to infer the real population size with some accuracy.

To determine the variation of small mammal populations over time and space, it is necessary to ensure the maximum durability of plots and to apply the methodological standard with minimum variations: number and position of traps, bait, sampling dates, etc. As a result, it is possible to compare results among years and plots, as well as to calculate reliable trends.

You will find an illustrated description of the methodology in the PROTOCOLO SEMICE

Fieldsheets and other materials

Materiales de registro y de identificación para poder realizar el trabajo de campo en óptimas condiciones. Se cuenta, también, con recursos digitales de reciente edición como esta misma web y la base de datos asociada, y la App SEMICE, basada en el software abierto Cybertracker.

  • FICHA REGISTRO CAPTURAS A4 | A5. Ficha básica. Un registro por captura. Ver las indicaciones sobre la notación a realizar para marcar los diferentes campos.
  • FICHA REGISTRO TRAMPAS.. “Mapa” de la parcela. Útil para ver a simple vista la distribución de las capturas o las posibles incidencias sobre las trampas.
  • FICHA REGISTRO HABITAT. Para caracterizar el hábitat con detalle alrededor de cada trampa. Es un trabajo entretenido pero que hay que hacer, aunque no es necesario rellenarla ya en la primera campaña!
  • GUÍAS DE IDENTIFICACIÓN. Preparadas desde la coordinación del SEMICE, con la idea sobre todo de resolver los casos más conflictivos.
  • TAULA D'OBSERVACIÓ DE CARÀCTERS DISCRIMINANTS Per a les espècies Apodemus flavicollis / Apodemus sylvaticus
  • MANUAL DE ENTRADA DE DATOS EN LA WEB.. Formulario online que te permitirá volcar y, si lo deseas, recuperar, los datos de campo. Se estrena este año y podría ser que arrastrara aún alguna imperfección que agradeceremos que nos hagas notar.
  • APP SEMICE HABITAT v.0523Fitxer zip amb la darrera versió de l'APP SEMICE HABITAT per Cybertracker i Manual de descàrrega i ús. Aquesta aplicació facilita la presa de dades en el camp gràcies a una interfície mòbil lleugera i molt gràfica.


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