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micromamíferos comunes
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Family: Muridae
Spanish: Rata negra
English: Black rat

Black rat

Rattus rattus (Linnaeus 1758)

Large rodent, with a long body, tail and ears, and a pointed snout. The dorsal coloration is rather dark, while the ventral one is lighter (between white, yellow and grey). Thanks to its commensalism, it can be distributed throughout the territory, from very low levels near the sea, to the Pyrenees. We can find it both in wooded areas (it is quite arboreal) with significant undergrowth, and in cultivated fields, mainly in fruit plantations, and also occupying human habitats. The black rat is a twilight and nocturnal animal, although some individuals can be seen during the day. It is omnivorous, capable of eating any food. The reproductive period changes depending on environmental conditions, and in commensal populations it can reproduce throughout the year. Very rare species, it does not exceed 1% of the catches of the SEMICE project.

Temporal evolution of the number of captures of

Stations where the species was found (15)

Captures by station

Station City Elevation Captures
Pineda Mas de l'Artís Vilanova i la Geltrú 195 1
Padul Padul 725 6
Mirador de Vallmajor - Estany d'Ivars i Vila-Sana Vila-sana 237 3
Alforí-Pineda Ciutadella de Menorca 101 20
Alforí-Alzinar Ciutadella de Menorca 83 9
Serra Morena-Matollar Mahón 107 65
Albufera Es Grau-Savinar Mahón 2 48
Tordonell de Dalt-Pineda Mahón 78 25
Albufera Es Grau-Prat abandonat Mahón 29 23
Albufera Es Grau-Ullastrar Mahón 27 15
Ribera de la Algaida-Saladar Roquetas de Mar 3 10
La font de Molins - Llobera Llobera 788 1
As Brañas Sada 7 1
Parc de Belloch la Roca del Vallès 193 1
Jameos Malpaís Corona Haría 130 1
Total captures 229
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