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micromamíferos comunes
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Family: Arvicolidae
Spanish: Topillo lusitano
English: Lusitanian pine vole

Lusitanian pine vole

Microtus lusitanicus (Gerbe 1879)

Small vole, similar to the common vole, with general grayish coloration (with lighter to darker tones) and sometimes has an ocher band that separates dorsum and belly. Bicolor tail, discriminating criterion to differentiate it from the common vole. It presents morphological adaptations to subterranean life with a cylindrical body, although it is more epigean than the previous one. It feeds mainly on vegetable bulbs and roots, but also on leaves and aerial parts. It can be found in forest and open spaces, as long as there is enough soil to dig. It generates piles of earth by digging its galleries in the fields. It is distributed by the peninsular NW. It can be reproduced all year round if conditions are favorable. Very rare species, it does not exceed 1% of the catches of the SEMICE project.

Temporal evolution of the number of captures of

Stations where the species was found (1)

Captures by station

Station City Elevation Captures
San Pedro de las Herrerías Mahide 898 2
Total captures 2
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