Seguimiento de los
micromamíferos comunes
de España
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Family: Arvicolidae
Spanish: Topillo mediterráneo
French: Campagnol provençal
English: Mediterranean pine vole

Mediterranean pine vole

Microtus duodecimcostatus (de Selys-Longchamps, 1839)

Small vole, with general brownish-yellowish coloration and an ochre band that separates dorsum and belly. It presents morphological adaptations to underground life such as the reduction of the size of the eyes, ears, and tail. It feeds mainly on bulbs and vegetable roots. It is a kind of Mediterranean requirements associated mainly with open spaces, natural or agricultural. It presents, therefore, very defined habitat requirements. It generates very characteristic piles of earth when excavating its galleries in the fields. Very extensive distribution, missing in the peninsular NW. It presents day and night activity, it can reproduce all year round if the conditions are favorable. Very rare species, it does not exceed 1% of the catches of the SEMICE project.

Temporal evolution of the number of captures of

Stations where the species was found (3)

Captures by station

Station City Elevation Captures
Rocasses Camprodon 949 1
La font de Molins - Llobera Llobera 788 1
El Cotillo Corpa 835 1
Total captures 3
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