Seguimiento de los
micromamíferos comunes
de España
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Family: Arvicolidae
Spanish: Topillo de Cabrera
English: Cabrera vole

Cabrera vole

Microtus cabrerae (Thomas, 1906)

Medium-sized vole, with brownish-gray dorsal coloration and ventral with yellowish tones. It has small eyes, ears protrude slightly from the fur, and has a relatively short tail. It feeds mainly on vegetables, although it can also eat invertebrates. It is a species of Mediterranean requirements associated exclusively with perennial grasslands that maintain soil moisture. It presents, therefore, very defined habitat requirements. Very fragmented distribution. It presents day and night activity, it can reproduce all year round if the conditions are favorable. Very rare species, it does not exceed 1% of the catches of the SEMICE project. Threatened species (category VU).

Temporal evolution of the number of captures of

Stations where the species was found (1)

Captures by station

Station City Elevation Captures
Chapinería Chapinería 604 1
Total captures 1
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