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Family: Arvicolidae
Spanish: Topillo nival
English: Snow vole

Snow vole

Chionomys nivalis (Martins, 1842)

Medium sized vole, with greyish dorsal and whitish ventral coloration. It has small eyes, ears protrude slightly from the fur, and has a relatively long and thick tail (half the length of the body). It feeds mainly on vegetables, although it can also eat invertebrates. It is a species mainly associated with the canchales of large blocks of stone, which are usually found in high mountain areas. It presents, therefore, very defined habitat requirements. It is distributed by the great peninsular mountain ranges. It presents twilight and nocturnal activity, and does not hibernate. It is customary to reproduce between May and September. Very rare species, it does not exceed 1% of the catches of the SEMICE project. Near threatened species (category NT).

Temporal evolution of the number of captures of

Stations where the species was found (11)

Captures by station

Station City Elevation Captures
Cabana Vella de les Cabanyeres Alt àneu (València d'àneu) 1774 2
Tartera Pas de la Casa - Andorra Encamp 2281 9
Tartera de Rialb Ordino 1824 7
Canchal-Serra do Invernadeiro Vilariño de Conso 1066 5
Tartera del Pelat de Talltendre Bellver de Cerdanya 2192 101
Toirigo la Vall de Boí (Barruera) 1515 4
Tristaina Ordino 2202 14
Comís Vell Ordino 1899 14
Tartera dels Orris Bagà 1944 15
Tartera_Tregurà Vilallonga de Ter 2063 2
Tartera de Fontalba Queralbs 2042 4
Total captures 177
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